Small Business SEO

let's talk!

Small Business SEO

To do Small Business SEO many people (including you?) think it will break the bank.  That is just not true. We can provide many help for a very small amount of money.  Please look at our SEO Package page for some ideas of what we have.  As with all our clients we would like to talk to you directly to find out what your SEO needs are.

Quote often with a small business we can help you find a niche that will drive traffic to your site that a high conversion rate.  It is not always true but high traffic words tend to have lower conversion rates then low traffic words.  Why is this?  With high traffic words the user tends to have a much broader selection of sites to browse in their search results that are relevant.  So if your selling hand crafted door knobs, don’t try to target “door” or “door knobs”.

We also look at the topic of your web site or websites and help you determine which search engine you should optimize for with highest priority.  For example, MSN has a certain demographic of users and thus certain websites can achieve great results by optimizing for MSN first and foremost.

With the Small Business SEO and really with all search engine optimization packages, we highly recommend you take advantage of our one way link service.  This service is a must no matter what your goals are.  With out a nice collection of links pointing to your site, you will not place well.  Even if it is just a few links for small keywords on inner pages, this can make a dramatic impact on your small business.

The main difference between a small business package and larger businesses is the quantity of each feature.  We work with you in your budget constraints to place you as high as possible.  And with a long term relationship we can get you to the top even on a small budge.  With our SEO Gurus Small Business SEO Service we recommend the following:

Small Business SEO


Small Business SEO
Keyword Research to find the best keywords to target.
On-Page and Site-wide optimization for your best keywords.
Off Site (one way links) optimization to target your top keywords.
Performance reports before, during, and after our Small Business SEO Service.
Guaranteed inclusion of your optimized page.
Free Consultation during your entire experience with SEO Gurus.
Directory submission of your optimized page/website to favored locations.
Press Release with guaranteed inclusion to provide content rich links back to you.
Ghost writer to create and provide rich article content.
Hand submission of your unique and custom articles to distribution centers.

Please contact us for a custom quote to meet your needs for Small Business SEO or any other service.