Directory Submission Services

let's talk!
Benefits of our Directory Submission Service
Get permanent one-way links by having your site manually submitted up to 1226 quality web directories.
Get links that are valued by the search engines by ensuring that the directories to which we submit are SEO-friendly.
Receive a continuous flow of links by having your website submitted to our regularly updated list of directories.
We increase your chances of link approvals by ensuring that your site details meet all directory guidelines and are submitted under the most relevant category.
Some of the Exciting Features
You can target multiple search terms by submitting up to 20 different titles and descriptions.
You can choose from various submission options at no extra cost:
– Submit to all or a specific number of directories
– Submit by PageRank
– Control the pace at which we make your submissions
– Subscribe to submit to 100 directories every month for 12 months
Avoid duplicate submissions on future orders as we keep track of all previous submissions made with our service.
Save time handling directory emails by opting for our email handling service where we create a separate email account for your submissions, handle all the directory emails and give you a report for the same.
Upload list of any previous submissions made to avoid our submitting to the same directories.
Get up-to-date live reports of your submissions as and when they’re made.
Manage multiple sites from a single account.
Place orders from as little as $5.
Great value for money at just 14 cents per directory submission, i.e. every 100 directory submissions cost only $14. One-time fee only with no other costs involved