Analysis of Twitter Page Rank: Twitter Profiles (PR 0-8)

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Twitter Page Rank Analysis

So I’m scratching my head in the amazing Ewing Enterprise office chair and discovered something pretty cool. Did you know your twitter profile has  page rank? I didn’t realize this until today after Danny Sullivan’s post on social signals in Google and Bing. I had a big AHA moment. I went to our Ewing Enterprise twitter page as shown below:

social media marketing services

We have a total of 226 Tweets, 19 Followers and we are  following 19 people. This Twitter page has a Google page rank of 0.  I’m use to seeing this so no big shocker there. I click on over to Danny Sullivan’s twitter profile .as shown below:

social media dallas

Danny is sitting at a rock hard 7!  This brings up the question what does he have that makes his page rank so high. Is it back links to his twitter profile, tweets, re tweets or some other factor? The head of Google web spam goes over  some useful pointers on what Google uses to rank Twitter pages.

According to Google the factors that go into ranking are the same as websites:

Google does not look at:

  • # of followers

Google looks at:

  • # of links to your specific profile or a particular tweet
  • back links & reputation of those back links

After looking over this data I just had to test this so over the course of December I’m going to increase the page rank for our Twitter page. Here is some raw data:

Date Twitter Page Tweets Following # of Followers Listed Google PR
12/2/2010 10,358 261 81,280 7,180 7 7,465 27 27,002 3,041 6 1,020 1,189 1,714 220 5 226 19 19 1,742 537 3,550 376 5 884 18 67,790 2,528 6 2,464 139 7,802 393 4 2,446 1,141 274,585 6,912 6 1,824 725 267,340 8,365 7 6,453 1,255 55,140 5,512 7 1,425 310 571 13 4 2,350 485 36,556 2,124 6 (protected their tweets) 149 4,243 92 5 2,055 274 174,868 6,768 6 287 97 21 1

This raw data shows that on average for a Twitter Page with a Google page rank of 5 they have:

  • 2,929 tweets
  • following 442
  • have 2,902 Tweets listed

I am going to be expanding this test by adding more Twitter profiles  (PR 0-10)  to see if I can find a set number of metrics that determine what factors have the biggest influence on having a high Google page rank for your Twitter Profile.

This is the first of a several part analysis on Twitter ranking. Don’t forget to sign up so you are the first to know how to rank at the top of Google. Follow David on Twitter! Even more to your benefit, follow Ewing Enterprise!